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A black skin coloured arm holding a sign that says 'SELF'.

Being an anti-racist starts with yourself. You need to understand anti-racism. You need to understand how to stand up for yourself and others. You need to know how to be a good ally. And if you are a person of colour, you may need to confront internalised racism.


An important movement that works to fight against racism and to end violence against black people. A movement that should be spoken about, followed and most importantly, a movement that you should be educating yourself on.
- Jessica Clarke / @Muthi.Tidda

Becoming anti-racist diagram

Becoming anti-racist involves pushing through fear, and learning so that we can grow.

Read & Learn

Learning and listening allows you to understand racism and better empathise with the perspectives of people of colour.


Reading and learning can seem less brave or 'impactful' than something like protesting on the streets. However, empathising with others and self-reflecting can be the most challenging and meaningful.

A digital illustration of a person with dark brown skin, dark hair holding a book. There are waves of colours in the top left corner with the words: RESPECT, SUPPORT, SPEAK UP. The Aboriginal, Torres Straight Islander, LGBTQIA+ and Transgender flags are pictured in the background with dots and markings surrounding. 3 fist are on the right of the image.

Education Remains one of the best ways...: I am a primary school teacher and I see the role of education as one of the best and biggest ways to stop the proliferation of biased, prejudiced and racist discourses.
- Jessica Clarke / @Muthi.Tidda


Educating yourself on racism is a major step to being an effective ally. However, it isn’t something that should be limited to White people; people of colour can also find value in becoming a better ally to groups that you may not be a part of (e.g. being an ally to First Nations’ peoples in your local area if you are a Settler).

A light skin coloured hand holding a sign that says 'Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land!'. The sign is white and the text is in Aboriginal flag colours - Red, yellow and black.

It’s also important to realise that learning about anti-racism does not end after understanding its core ideas. It’s a continually evolving movement sensitively attuned to the changing demands of people of colour.

A digital illustration of Earth with a focus on the continent so-called-Australia. The continent is filled with the Aboriginal Flag. Around the globe is stick figure drawings of people with their arms up.

“If you have come here to help me, you’re wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

- Dr Lilla Watson
First Nations activist, academic, and artist

General Resources

Aside from the resources provided within this section, the existing guides acknowledged in the ‘About’ section also provide additional resources.

Thumbnail going to an external resource.Thumbnail going to an external resource.Thumbnail going to an external resource.Thumbnail going to an external resource.A tile with a gradient background that says 'MORE...'

BLM is part of, but does not cover, the efforts of Blak people in Australia to achieve sovereignity and justice. It is primarily American, but has been included as it teaches us some valuable lessons and ideas relevant in Australia.

Icon of a speech bubble.
Lived Experiences
Icon of a microphone.

Fight Internalised Racism

As we’ve learnt at the start of the kit, racism is a system founded on racial prejudice, which translates to how its institutions and practices privilege a group and disadvantage others. We often see racism as something external – a shadow that is created and cast upon us by the structures in our society. We are within it, but we forget that it can be within us.

Racism can be internalised. For people of colour, it is a construct that we can mistake as an unquestionable feature of the world we live in.

Outline of a side profile head. There are 2 more head outlines inside. Text in the head reads: 'We are within it, but forget that it can be within us'.

Why would someone accept a system that subjugates them?

It’s a fair question to ask. One way of thinking about this is to consider how our society looks at Whiteness. It’s easy to internalise racism when you are immersed in an environment where Whiteness is seen as the “default” or the “standard”; any other culture is seen as some exotic anomaly that’s inferior and less valid.  

This can affect the relationship that people of colour have with themselves and their heritage. It can also create this pressure to “act White” to be included and taken seriously by others.

When we talk about Whiteness, it’s important to keep its status as a dominant culture in mind. We aren’t just talking about it as a racial group - but also as a system of power.

When we inhabit spaces where Whiteness is the unquestionable ‘standard’, the belief that White people are legitimately superior to others can then become deeply ingrained within the way people of colour view and navigate the world.

For a lot of young people of colour in high school, this could range from possibly feeling embarrassed when wearing traditional clothing or hearing your family speak your mother tongue in public, to having a preference for White people when it comes to dating, to having issues with body image as our peers value Eurocentric standards of beauty.

We can also see it manifest within our wider communities when we see Islamophobic or anti-Black sentiments, dividing people of colour from supporting other people of colour in their struggles.

A dark brown coloured hand holding a sign that says 'Whiteness'.

There are traits associated with Whiteness, but that’s not to say they are exclusive to White culture! Some of these traits include:

  • Focusing on the individual more than the collective
  • Culture being more “low-context” (i.e. communication relies on being direct, verbal, and explicit), while other cultures may be more “high-context” (i.e. more implicit, relying more on context and nonverbal cues such as tone)
  • Beauty standards revolving around white features, like lighter skin, larger eyes with double eyelids, or straighter hair.
  • More emphasis being placed on competition rather than collaboration.
  • Christianity being seen as the “norm” for religion.
  • Emphasis on speaking “the King’s English”

Unlearning internalised racism can empower people of colour to define themselves on their own terms, speak up, and support others. And as we people of colour come to understand this, we can also connect our experiences with the harm inflicted by societal systems on others, such as people with disabilities or LGBTQIA+ people.

Unlearning racism can start off with understanding it better, as we see in the 'Read and Learn' section!

To heal is to address the root causes of whatever you are facing and to strive for long-term change; to cope is to manage your experiences in the short-term.

Healing is a non-linear process, and having a professional with you on this journey can be helpful! In terms of convenience and accessibility, counsellors or psychologists at your school can be great.

The process can get confronting. For some, unlearning racism can mean engaging with difficult past experiences and traumas. So, this can coincide with finding ways to heal from, rather than cope with the past.

Seeing professionals outside of your school can also be an option. If you are especially interested in finding someone who is a person of colour, can speak in your preferred language, or is culturally competent, The Tena Therapist and Our Directory can help. They provide a directory of practioners who have experience working with people of colour; your local GP may also be aware of any mental health professionals who could fit your criteria.

Unlearning is an ongoing process – and that’s ok!

It can take time to unpack and change the way we think and feel about certain issues. There isn’t necessarily a ‘finish line’ when it comes to unlearning racism; what matters is that we don’t become complacent. Focus on continuous self-improvement, and constantly challenge and question why you think a certain way about particular issues.

For some, connecting with their culture – from learning their history or language, to engaging with the work and voices of people from their community – is a way of reshaping their relationship with their background. It can help with understanding how racism has impacted their community, building a love and appreciation for where they come from, and consolidating their cultural identity.

Speak Up

Stand up and speak out to defend a victim or yourself. Whether you're in school, at work, volunteering or at the local supermarket, challenging accusations, assumptions and stereotypes is a good way of letting people know it’s not okay to be racist.

We need to know that what we have to say is of value. Voices are unique, revealing and central to your ability to lead change in the world. Don’t worry about being liked, be yourself and speak your truth.
- Jessica Clarke / @Muthi.Tidda

Remember, sometimes people can unintentionally make comments that are racist. Standing up to these comments can be a great way for people to learn about the negative impact they’re having. Here are tips on standing up both for yourself and for others. Bystander intervention is all about creating a safe public space by supporting each other when we’re harassed.

1. Be Brave

Prepare yourself for these moments.  It’s scary to speak up, but if you don’t speak up, who will? You need to be the one that speaks up, and promise not to be silent. 

Also, trust your instincts as there is no “right” or “perfect” response to harassment. However, studies show that having some kind of response (either in the moment or later) can reduce the trauma associated with harassment. Remember it’s ok to do nothing. It's even ok to smile and keep walking. You get to decide what’s right for you.

2. Feel Safe

Prioritise your own safety at all times. First, try your best to feel comfortable, calm and assertive. This will often be very difficult to achieve, because it can be personal, or the racist incident might make you very angry.

However, approaching the situation calmly can change the attitudes of the offender more effectively. Take a deep breath, or buy yourself some time by saying something to stop the conversation - “oooh”, “hmm I don’t know about that”, or “can we pause for a second?” for example - to buy yourself some time to think of what to say.

3. Build Resistence

There is no such thing as a perfect response. This is not your fault, and you are not alone. Take the time to recover and employ strategies for taking care of yourself. You could:

  • Develop a quick ritual to do every time harassment happens, like, “shaking it off.”
  • Have a buddy you text every time harassment happens.
  • Say an affirmation to yourself, like “I don’t let the haters bring me down. I deserve better. I’m awesome!”
  • Share your story with a trusted loved one.
1. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Ask things such as “Why did you do that?”. “What makes you feel that way?”. Follow up by saying firmly that you don’t agree with racist comments. Identify their behaviour. Sometimes, just point out the behaviour candidly. For instance, “Janet, what I hear you saying is that all First Nations people are lazy.” Or, “Janet, you’re classifying an entire ethnicity in a derogatory way. Is that what you are saying?”

2. Set Limits

You cannot control another person, but you can say things like, "Don't tell racist jokes in my presence anymore. If you do, I will leave." Or, "My workspace is not a place I allow bigoted remarks to be made. I can't control what you say outside of this space, but here I ask that you respect my wishes." Then follow through. By drawing the line, you can shut down bad behaviour, and fewer people will have to hear it or experience it.

3. Use Existing Policies and Understand Your Audience

People also often need to be reminded that standard policies and procedures apply to everyone. Call out those that ignore school or work policies and values. In doing this, be aware of what language will work best for your audience. For example, in a school less familiar with anti-racism, you may need to explain yourself more, explaining why the actions you are calling out are wrong. Understanding your audience’s history and demographic are also very important.

4. Engage Bystanders

Typically people understand that street harassment is not okay and want to help. You will need to loudly announce to people around you what the harasser just said or did and identify them, like: “That man in the red shirt is following me. I need help!” Then tell people what you want them to do, like, “Can you wait here with me? Can you call the police?” Remember that it is ok to ask for help. It does not mean that you are weak. In fact, it means that you are strong because you’re acknowledging that street harassment hurts.

5. Record the situation and give it to authorities

Recording the situation can prevent the racial harassment from continuing and also allows you to prove that harassment has occurred. However, judge the situation, and walk away if it can escalate significantly. Your safety is most important.

There are “5 Ds” or strategies you can follow when intervening for others.


Take an indirect approach to de-escalate the situation.

Start a conversation with the target of harassment or find another way to draw attention away from them. Ask them for directions or the time, or drop something.


Get help from someone else.

Find someone in a position of authority - like a bus driver, security guard, teacher, or store manager - and ask them for help. 


After the incident is over, check in with the person being harassed.

You can say: “Can I sit with you? Can I accompany you somewhere? What do you need?”


Be direct. Speak up about the harassment, be loud and clear.

You can also talk to the person being harassed about what’s going on. Ask: “Are you okay? Should I get help? Should we get out of here?”


It can be helpful for the target to have a video of the incident. 

Laws about recording in public vary, so check local laws first. Keep a safe distance, film anything that helps identify the location, film the perpetrator of harassment rather than the receiver, state the day and time. 
Always ask the person targeted what they want to do with the footage. Never post it online or use it without their permission.

Now What?

See how you can create change within the communities you have to be in for 200 days a year:  SCHOOLS 

Schools. Brown skln coloured hand holding a sign that says SCHOOLS.
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